
Welcome to Barley&Hops! We want to be more than your usual online store. We want to be a place where you can come for all-things-beer. The blog is always up to date with new beers, giveaways, and upcoming events.

For the breweries we want this to be a place they can launch new beers, tell people about their events and get to know you a little bit better. We’re always meeting new breweries and figuring out how to help them get their beers out into the hands of South Africans.

So, please check in regularly for new beer merch in the store, featured beers, upcoming festivals, weekly and monthly giveaways and so much more. This is Barley&Hops and we want you to be part of it. Be sure to find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for updates.

If there is any beer related news you think we should know about please drop us a mail. And if you’re a brewery wanting to showcase your beer you can also drop us a mail here and we can get the ball rolling.


The Barley&Hops Team